Become a member
The Herb Society of America is dedicated to promoting the knowledge, use and delight of herbs through educational programs, research, and sharing the experience of its members with the community. There are several types of membership in The Herb Society; described below are two of the most common.

Member of a local unit
Many herb enthusiasts elect to become a member of The Herb Society through a local chapter called a "unit." The units are autonomous, meaning they operate independently and may have their own membership requirements.
The Philadelphia Unit is proud of our long history, having started in 1938. Membership in The Philadelphia Unit requires:
Attendance at least eight of our monthly meetings
Completion of a "provisional" project
Ongoing active participation, for example, working in public herb gardens
Note: Membership is limited due to the contraints of our meeting spaces.
To request detailed information about the requirements and benefits of becoming a member of The Philadelphia Unit, send an email vis our Contact Us link on this website.

Member at Large of
The Herb Society of America
You can join at the national level, instead of at a local unit.
An Herb Society membership "at large," enjoys the many benefits of being a member of the nation-wide organization without the requirements associated with the local chapter. Frequently this option is advisable for people who have a desire to get involved but cannot make the time commitment to a local unit or no local chapter is nearby.
We find that many people who begin as a member-at-large, convert to being a unit member when the time is right.
Members at large are welcome at all unit-level and national-level functions, such as meetings and educational conferences.
Join The Herb Society of America and enjoy benefits such as discounts on herb and garden books, magazines and merchandise, access to HSA educational programs and library, and subscriptions to The Herbarist and the HSA Newsletter.